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Updated November 5, 2021
Label (Company): |
Country: |
Format: |
Number of records: |
Catalogue number: |
Catalogue number of side 1: |
Catalogue number of side 2: |
Matrix number of side 1: |
Matrix number of side 2: |
Mono or Stereo: |
Rotation speed: |
First release date: |
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Sleeve (var. 1), front side Обложка (вар. 1), лицевая сторона |
Sleeve (var. 1), back side Обложка (вар. 1), оборотная сторона |
Sleeve (var. 1), back side - fragment with credits (right lower corner)
Обложка (вар. 1), оборотная сторона - фрагмент c выходными данными (правый нижний угол)
1 spine
Spine (var. 1) - the front side of the sleeve up
Корешок (вар. 1) - обложка расположена лицевой стороной вверх
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Label (var. 1), side 1 Этикетка (вар. 1), сторона 1 |
Label (var. 1), side 2 Этикетка (вар. 1), сторона 2 |
N |
Title and authors |
Time |
Note |
1. |
I Saw Her Standing There (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 2:35 |
Recorded - September 7, 1963. Aired - October 5, 1963 on SATURDAY CLUB (# 6). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on ON AIR – LIVE AT THE BBC VOLUME 2 album in 2013. |
2. |
Too Much Monkey Business (Chuck Berry) | 2:04 |
Recorded - April 4, 1963. Aired - June 24, 1963 on SIDE BY SIDE (# 3). This version of the song was not released officially by Apple. |
3. |
I'll Get You (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 2:03 |
Recorded - September 7, 1963. Aired - October 5, 1963 on SATURDAY CLUB (# 6). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on ON AIR – LIVE AT THE BBC VOLUME 2 album in 2013. |
4. |
Lucille (A. Collins - R. Penniman) | 2:29 |
Recorded - September 3, 1963. Aired - September 17, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 14). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on ON AIR – LIVE AT THE BBC VOLUME 2 album in 2013. |
5. |
I Feel Fine (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 1:54 |
Recorded - November 17, 1964. Aired - November 26, 1964 on TOP GEAR (# 2) and December 26, 1964 on SATURDAY CLUB (# 10). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
6. |
Carol (Chuck Berry) | 2:33 |
Recorded - July 2, 1963. Aired - July 16, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 5). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
7. |
Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (Carl Perkins) | 2:18 |
Recorded - November 17, 1964. Aired - November 26, 1964 on TOP GEAR (# 2) and December 26, 1964 on SATURDAY CLUB (# 10). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
8. |
So How Come (No One Loves Me) (F. and B. Bryant) | 1:40 |
Recorded - July 10, 1963. Aired - July 23, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 6). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
9. |
The Honeymoon Song (M. Theodorakis - W. Sansom) | 1:39 |
Recorded - July 16, 1963. Aired - August 6, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 8). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
N |
Title and authors |
Time |
Note |
1. |
Roll Over Beethoven (Chuck Berry) | 2:14 |
Recorded - February 28, 1964. Aired - March 30, 1964 on FROM US TO YOU (# 2). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
2. |
I Got A Woman (R. Charles - R. Richards) | 2:47 |
Recorded - July 16, 1963. Aired - August 13, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 9). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
3. |
Ticket To Ride (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 2:55 |
Recorded - May 26, 1965. Aired - June 7, 1965 on THE BEATLES INVITE YOU TO TAKE A TICKET TO RIDE. This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
4. |
I Wanna Be Your Man (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 2:07 |
Recorded - February 28, 1964. Aired - March 30, 1964 on FROM US TO YOU (# 2). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
5. |
She's A Woman (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 3:04 |
Recorded - November 17, 1964. Aired - November 26, 1964 on TOP GEAR (# 2) and December 26, 1964 on SATURDAY CLUB (# 10). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
6. |
I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You) (J. Thomas - H. Biggs) | 2:00 |
Recorded - July 16, 1963. Aired - August 6, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 8). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on LIVE AT THE BBC albums in 1994 and 2013. |
7. |
She Loves You (J. Lennon - P. McCartney) | 2:14 |
Recorded - September 3, 1963. Aired - September 10, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 13) and September 24, 1963 on POP GO THE BEATLES (# 15). This version of the song was not released officially by Apple. |
8. |
Long Tall Sally (E. Johnson - R. Penniman - R. Blackwell) | 1:56 |
Recorded - July 14, 1964. Aired - July 16, 1964 on TOP GEAR (# 1). This version of the song was later released officially by Apple on ON AIR – LIVE AT THE BBC VOLUME 2 album in 2013. |
If to give a glance on the LP content and release year You should understand that in actual fact it is a bootleg.
The Russian-language record title also can be translated into English as THE BEATLES' RARE RECORDINGS – RADIO CONCERTS BY THE BEATLES.
For this LP original monophonic sound was converted into pseudo stereo by slight signal delay in one of the channels.
The tracklist table shows when a particular song was recorded and in what radio program it was aired and if the song was later released officially by Apple.
This research was made by Russian Beatles specialist from St. Petersburg Nikolay Kozlov.
The sleeve notes on the back side tell a brief story of The Beatles' performances on the BBC radio. And in the end of the article the author (E. Vinogradov) explains that this LP can be regarded as introduction to the Rare Beatles series [see Pic. 1]. Actually never a one more record on this theme was released.
The following information is stated in the right lower corner of the back side of the sleeve (in translation):
© RUSSIAN DISC joint-stock company, 1993.
Manufactured in Aprelevka – Sound Inc joint venture
Order 359. Printing run 30000.
The label of side 1 has the wording printed both by usual and semi-bold type. Side 2 has all the wording printed only by semi-bold type.
In view of the fact that the titles of all songs are printed by semi-bold type, on the sleeve and label the second part of the title of track # 8 (on side 1) – (NO ONE LOVES ME) and (no one loves me) – also should be printed by semi-bold type.
One and only variant of this Russian edition is known at present.
Also Sergey Gribushin tells about this vinyl edition by Russian Disc in his article BRITISH INVASION (4), published on March 30, 1995 in Russian newspaper Glavniy Prospect of Yekaterinburg city [see Pic. 2].
Pic. 1. Sleeve notes by E. Vinogradov on the back side
Рис. 1. Аннотация к пластинке Е. Виноградова на оборотной стороне обложки
Pic. 2. The article BRITISH INVASION (4) by Sergey Gribushin, published on March 30, 1995
in Russian newspaper Glavniy Prospect of Yekaterinburg city
[Click on image to read the article]
Рис. 2. Статья Сергея Грибушина "БРИТАНСКОЕ ВТОРЖЕНИЕ" (4), опубликованная
в российской газете "Главный проспект" (г. Екатеринбург) 30 марта 1995 года
[Чтобы прочитать статью, кликните на изображение]
Если взглянуть на содержание пластинки и год её издания, то можно понять, что, по сути, это бутлег.
Англоязычное название пластинки можно также перевести на русский язык как РЕДКИЕ ЗАПИСИ БИТЛЗ – БИТЛЗ В ЭФИРЕ.
Для данной пластинки оригинальный монофонический звук был преобразован в псевдостерео за счёт незначительной задержки звукового сигнала в одном из каналов.
В таблице треклиста указано, когда была записана и в какой радиопрограмме прозвучала та или иная песня, и была ли она позже выпущена официально фирмой "Apple".
Данное исследование проведено российским специалистом по "Битлз" из Санкт-Петербурга Николаем Козловым.
В аннотации на оборотной стороне обложки вкратце рассказывается о выступлениях "Битлз" на радио "Би-Би-Си". А в конце статьи автор (Е. Виноградов) поясняет, что эту пластинку можно считать предисловием к серии "Редкие записи Битлз" [см. Рис. 1]. На самом деле, больше ни одной пластинки по этой теме выпущено не было.
В правом нижнем углу оборотной стороны обложки указана следующая информация:
"© А/О «РУССКИЙ ДИСК», 1993 г.
Изготовлено в СП «Апрелевка – Саунд Инк»
Заказ 359. Тираж 30000".
Этикетка стороны 1 имеет текст, отпечатанный как обычным, так и полужирным шрифтом. На стороне 2 весь текст отпечатан только полужирным шрифтом.
Учитывая, что названия всех песен указываются полужирным шрифтом, на обложке и этикетке вторая часть названия песни № 8 (на стороне 1) – (NO ONE LOVES ME) и (no one loves me)
– также должна была бы быть указана полужирным шрифтом.
На сегодня известен только один единственный вариант данного российского издания.
Также об этом виниловом издании фирмы "Русский диск" рассказывает Сергей Грибушин в своей статье "БРИТАНСКОЕ ВТОРЖЕНИЕ" (4), опубликованной в российской газете "Главный проспект" (г. Екатеринбург) 30 марта 1995 года [см. Рис. 2].
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